One of my favorite writing exercises is participating in contests! And there are some good ones out there, including:

Susanna Leonard Hill’s Valentiny (February), Halloweensie (October), and Holiday (December) Contests; as well as her “Would you read it?” Wednesday pitch contests

Vivian Kirkfield’s #50PreciousWords (March)

Ciara O’Neal’s #SpringFling (April)

Ed DeCaria’s (March) Madness Poetry Contest (~ June)

Lydia Lukidis’ and Kaitlyn Sanchez’s #FallFrenzy (October)

I own some bragging rights for the following:

October 2022: SENSE THE WAY– Honorable Mention in  Susanna Leonard Hill’s Halloweensie contest.

October 2022: FREDRICKSON FRIGHT — A winner in Lydia Lukidis’ and Kaitlyn Sanchez’s #FallFrenzy writing contest. 

May 2022: THE CHERRY BLOSSOMS, LES CERISIERS — This story was one of fourteen winners in the #SpringFling contest (~ 300 participants).

March 2022: FIFTH GRADE DRAMA – This middle grade story placed Honorable Mention in Vivian Kirkfield’s #50PreciousWords (~ 750 participants).

December 2019: A TRICKSTER’S TREAT — This story won Honorable Mention for “Top of the Naughty List” in Susanna Hill’s Holiday Contest.

July 2019: #PBChat Mentorship — This opportunity afforded me a three-month picture book writing mentorship with the Australian author, Adam Wallace.

April 2019: IF YOU AND I RECYCLE — This story won Honorable Mention in Kaitlyn Sanchez’s “Spring Fling” Contest.

TRAPPED IN TRASH — The pitch for TRAPPED IN TRASH won Susanna Hill’s January/February 2019 “Would You Read It? Wednesday” pitch contest.

February 2019: A SLIPPERY SITUATION – This story won a “Kid Appeal” Prize in Susanna Hill’s “Valentiny” Contest.

March 2019: SQUIRRELING RIVALRY – This story won Honorable Mention in Vivian Kirkfield’s #50PreciousWords Contest.