NOTE (added on May 17, 2022): I wrote this before I studied Renee LaTulippe’s information on rhythm and rhyme (https://www.reneelatulippe.com/). YES, the meter is waaaaaaay off. 

If you and I recycle,

And not just on Earth Days,

Wildlife and humans

Will live in better ways.


Don’t toss that plastic bottle,

Paper plate, or metal can.

Sea gulls might gobble trash,

But that shortens their life span.


Want to help your locals?

Go walk around your block.

Wear gloves and pick up litter.

You know what?  You rock!


How much do we recycle?

It’s about a third of trash.

The weight of a pineapple

Is a person’s daily cache.


When buying food in plastic,

See what’s in the bottle’s mix.

One through seven code for toxins.

Avoid the three, seven, and six.


Will you join me and recycle?

There’s so much you can do

To preserve our land and oceans

For those living after you!



*References provided
upon request.